eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Luckymethod »

Inferior Drummer wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:42 am
Luckymethod wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:32 am
I also find barks a bit unreliable.
Oh yeah, that does remind me. It seems barks can last a bit longer than they should?
That could indicate there's a lag in sending CC messages maybe?
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Rob »

As mentioned in a previous post, the reason for the 'lag' is a feature called 'Steady Shot' which tries to hold the position of the hihat steady immediately following a hihat hit to prevent a change in the CC value from causing artifacts. I will add a control to disable / adjust how aggressively it tries to hold the hihat position.

A related problem when using 'Hihat Levels Mode' is that the CC value eDRUMin sends might not exactly correspond to the sounds the drum application think should be playing. If the levels in eDRUMin and Superior drummer don't exactly match (as shown in the image below), there can be issues when Superior Drummer transitions between hihat samples. To make it sound as good as possible, the levels should match. This of course is not a problem when using CC mode.
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Inferior Drummer
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Inferior Drummer »

Rob wrote:
Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:26 pm
the reason for the 'lag' is a feature called 'Steady Shot' which tries to hold the position of the hihat steady immediately following a hihat hit to prevent a change in the CC value from causing artifacts. I will add a control to disable / adjust how aggressively it tries to hold the hihat position.
Ahh yes. I was going to speculate it had something to do with that. Sorry I don't recall you mentioning it earlier. And I was going to ask about it and a possibility of a toggle/adjustment option.

I believe Steady Shot was in particular for loosely sprung hi hats? Which I have mine very loose to stop them hitting the top and triggering, so I really do appreciate the feature. Something to dial it in would be great.

I do use CC mode btw.

Thanks again Rob.

edit: spelling/typing
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Rob »

Here's build 10
  • Fixed a bug causing C-1 (note 0) Note off MIDI message to be continuously sent.
  • Added a 'Steady' control to adjust how aggressively the hihat position is maintained after hitting the hihat cymbal.
  • Improved the travel control to display the 'unfiltered' hihat position (black).
  • Fixed a couple small bugs with Steady Hats feature.
Note when you update to this version, the Steady control will probably be at it's maximum value. I recommend a setting about 45 to start with. Please give me your feedback and I can work to make it a good as possible.

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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by pilina »

Any chance to upload build 10 for Linux too? :-)
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Rob »

Maybe tomorrow.
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Rob »

Here's build 12
  • Added visual feedback to the Steady control.
  • Removed 'hub' warning when updating firmware.
  • Updated the manual

Information about the SteadyHats Feature
The idea of SteadyHats is to prevent the hihat position from changing directly after the hihat cymbal has been hit. If you are using a hihat on a hihat stand, hitting the hihat cymbal will cause the position of the pedal to momentarily go down and back up, and SteadyHats attempts to filter that movement out This can prevent unwanted transitions between hihat samples in Superior Drummer, and also is good for recording because it make editing a lot easier. If the pedal is moving quickly just before the hihat is struck, no filtering is applied.

In general, the amount of filtering needed depends on the tension of your hihat. The lower your hihat tension, the more filtering it will need. Increase the Steady control to increase the amount of filtering. Turning the Steady control to '0' turns the feature completely off.

I Could Use some Feedback
Under the hood, the amount of filtering depends on the position of the pedal. The closer the pedal is to the bottom of its travel, the less filtering it requires. In terms of feedback, I would appreciate knowing if the Steady control applies a good amount of filtering at various hihat positions. Like does the SteadyHats feature filter an appropriate amount when your hihat is 80% open as well as 40% and 20% open?

Here's an image that explains the visual feedback in the SteadyHats control.
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by mrmbira »

version 2.3.12 pc says file not found when try to download.
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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Rob »

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Re: eDRUMin version 2.3 BETA

Post by Mr_Bluesguy »

AKA Wayne wrote:
Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:38 am
I know you're busy but any chance of adding the high pass filter to the next build? I'd like to play around a bit more with it andy LV cymbals.
Just wanted to add my voice to what AKA Wayne asked. I've been working with LV cymbals for awhile now and have had just enough success to keep me reaching for more. I was really excited when Rob added the high pass feature because for quite some time I've thought that some sort of software filtering would be the best way to tame these beasts, as mechanical dampening (filtering) creates undesirable side effects in volume/feel.
Rob, whenever you can get to it that would be cool. I suspect that more than a few metal cymbal guys would love to have this tool.
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