Yamaha woes

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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by perceval »

There's something in your chain that's bugging t down. Just need to figure it out.

And in case you were wondering, there's no reason you should be triggering exactly like this once you've figured it out.


That's eDRUMin devices triggering SD3.

PS. do check my last post on P.2 in case you jump directly to P.3
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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by gravyface »

Ok, so I switched up a couple of things:

I yanked out an old Macbook Pro and hooked up my MOTU 828es via Thunderbolt, set it to 64 samples. Setup DTX 700 direct into the MOTU via MIDI DIN and wow, that was a revelation. Basically flawless triggering with a few minor quibbles with the hi-hats; ended up with one of the "close less" presets in the EZD2 demo settings.

So now that I have a high bar set with that, I need to see how eDRUMin is going to enhance this experience.

I've read that the engines are the same, but from videos I'm seen, SD3 has way more control over the hi-hats at least. I recall seeing the slider adjustment "dots" to set the hi-hat variations trigger points; EZD2 seems to have distilled that down into some presets.
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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by perceval »

That's where you use the eDRUMin instead of the VST for HH dynamics and behavior.

Just set the the VST in default mode, and use the sliders and curves on eDRUMin to get the response you are looking for.
This one is a little more intensive than just clicking on Auto-Calibrate.

It's just as hard doing it in VST, but with the eDRUMin, you have the bezier curves, which are really powerful to set how you want the HH pedal to behave.And remember, the curve is set "backwards" from the regular 0 to 127 in our minds, as 0 is opened, and 127 closed.

PS. I've never tried SSD5, and from what I read, I don't think I want to go there either.
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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by KSJM89 »

Hi, hoping this thread is still monitored? I have a Yamaha DTX 700 with a converted Yamaha Gig maker kit using Jobeky side mounted triggers with3-Ply mesh heads and Yamaha PCY155's and a RHH135. I have been loking at upgrading to the new DTX Pro module but I'm also considering the eDrumin 10 and SD3 using a Focusrite 4i4.

Would eDrumin 10 be the better option? (cheaoer as i have a copy of SD3 a DAW and laptop) or should i get a DTX pro and use a VST? Main concern is set and dialing in of my kit, any help would be great!
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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by perceval »

A module is usually plug'n'play. So if your aim is to just turn on a module and start playing, the DTX-Pro would be a better choice.

SD3 is at the highest sample based quality so far, so, if you are looking for the best sound while playing, but needing to fire up the laptop, audio interface and making sure the signal chain is at its best, than yes, the eDRUMin is quite the performer.

The eDRUMin allows for more hands on interaction with your own drumming style. But there is something to be said about the easy way a module can get you drumming quickly..

Only you can decide which is more important.
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Re: Yamaha woes

Post by monospace »

Definitely used to be the case that a conventional module was be the most straightforward way to approach electronic drumming. Switch it on, sit down, start playing.

But state of the art technology nowadays is such that you can acquire a dedicated laptop that can run SD3, a simple audio interface, and an ED10, for less than $1,500. If you're like me, you'll leave it always-on, and voila: all the convenience of a dedicated drum module but with vastly superior sound.

(This all assumes you already have all the drums/cymbals/triggers you need. In my opinion, that's also one of the absolute biggest advantages of the eDrumIn: it doesn't care what you plug into it. Most of it will work, and if it doesn't right away, chances are Rob will have it fixed by the next update.)
Miscellaneous Roland triggers. ED-10 + ED-4. MacBook Pro (2015), 16G RAM, Big Sur. Superior Drummer 3. Logic Pro.
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