FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

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FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by knuckledown »

I am using a frame drum. I have an FSR wired up to the pedal input and I have a piezo attached to the head and the trigger is working as expected. I currently am just pressing on the FSR which I have taped to the inside of the drum to change. This is very much in a proof of concept stage, but so far, so good.

I'd like the pressure from FSR to be reflected in the pitch sent - which is currently happening via the hi hat levels mode. How can I "merge" the trigger's note-on with the pitch from the hi hat level?

This seems like a pretty normal way to configure a hi-hat but this is the only drum module I've ever owned and I'm not doing conventional stuff with it anyway, so I feel like what I'm trying to do isn't very relatable.

I've attached a shot of the back side of the drum though there isn't a lot to see since the FSR is covered with tape.
edrumin_frame_drum.jpg (129.19 KiB) Viewed 5657 times
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by Rob »

I'm not totally sure what you're after. Can you provide some more information? Are you wanting the hihat pedal to send pitchbend messages?
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by knuckledown »

I want the piezo to sent note on and the FSR to alter the pitch of the note message. If there were a way for the hi hat to send pitch bend (or MPE pressure, which is more accurate and flexible), that would probably solve this problem. But I'm also not totally sure, because the pitch quantization that's built into the hi hat levels feature is also attractive. If I could get that to to work, then I'd know.

Put differently, when you hit a hi hat, that's a signal from a trigger. The position of the pedal determines what note it should send so as to match the openness of the hi hats and play the right sample. I'm after the same idea but with frame drum sounds where the FSR pressure effects the note/pitch.
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by Rob »

Why don't you just use the CC4 control change messages to automate the pitch of control in whatever sampler you are using. If you enable the 'Only send position with hit' option you can prevent the pitch from changing while the note is ringing out.
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by knuckledown »

Why don't you just use the CC4 control change messages to automate the pitch of control in whatever sampler you are using.
Personally, I don't have fine enough control with the FSR or probably any other expression input to land on the correct-and-non-adjacent-6-of-128 possible pitches. I want to curve and quantize, which is what I understand the hi hat levels mode does. It seems perfect for what I'm trying to do, except that it's unclear to make how to make the trigger understand it's the bow of a hi hat.
If you enable the 'Only send position with hit' option you can prevent the pitch from changing while the note is ringing out.
The phrase 'only send position with hit' does not appear in the latest version of the manual and I don't see where to configure this in the interface.
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by Rob »

To access that option, your device will need to be in advanced mode. Then you'll see a cog that opens a drop down menu to select that option.

If terms of getting enough control, adjusting the min and max values of the expression curve will make it pretty easy to hit those 6 of 128 values you are after. All the tools you need for experimentation are already there.
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by knuckledown »

If terms of getting enough control, adjusting the min and max values of the expression curve will make it pretty easy to hit those 6 of 128 values you are after.
I think if you were to experiment with it yourself, you'd also find that it's not a skill issue. We're talking about pitch.
All the tools you need for experimentation are already there.
All of what tools? Could you just please answer the question I'm asking?

Using level mode, when I hit the trigger mapped to the hi hat and change the pedal position, the note that is output should change - it should be different than the open position. How do I make this behave like a normal hi hat?

The "Link" button as shown in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQP2sHrCgUg does not appear in my interface.
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Re: FSR, Hi Hat levels mode and send different pitches

Post by Rob »

If there were a way for the hi hat to send pitch bend (or MPE pressure, which is more accurate and flexible), that would probably solve this problem.
I guess I wasn't being clear. There isn't a way to have to have an FSR affect the pitchbend of a note from your drum map.
knuckledown wrote:
Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:09 pm
Using level mode, when I hit the trigger mapped to the hi hat and change the pedal position, the note that is output should change - it should be different than the open position. How do I make this behave like a normal hi hat?
That video is for an older version of the eDRUMin software and the link button is now gone. There is a link to an updated version of the video in the description.

If I was trying to get an FSR to affect a drum pad, I would set my hihat pedal up like this:
  • Using hihat CC mode.
  • Hihat pedal set to use custom notes.
  • Only send CC with hit enabled.
  • CC changed from 4 to something else that isn't being used by my sampler.
  • Pedal and Splash notes are set to a note that isn't being used so that they don't make any sound.
01-01-2024, 08-09-09.png
01-01-2024, 08-09-09.png (216.31 KiB) Viewed 5629 times
And for the drum pad...
  • Set the pad function to 'Hihat Cymbal'
  • Set the notes of my pad to match the notes needed to trigger my snare.
01-01-2024, 08-13-58.png
01-01-2024, 08-13-58.png (254.92 KiB) Viewed 5629 times
Then after all that is setup, I would use the hihat CC 25 to automate the pitch control in my sampler.
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