Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

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Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by MisterE »

This is a question for both A) Rob (on feasibility) and B) the rest of us (on usefulness to drummers):

As many of you have probably seen by now, the DWe product is now on the market. DWe snare and toms have an FSR built into the "trigger basket" apparently under a center foam "tower". That sends (wirelessly in the case of DWe) data from the center piezo/trigger to the DWe wireless hub where it is sent as MIDI data out to Soundworks (DWe's VST). Soundworks makes use of those data to do two things, or so it seems:
1) When pressure is sensed by the FSR while playing a rim click, the software plays rim hits as cross sticks. Very nice. No longer would I need to use an eDRUMin input for a BT-1 for accurate cross stick playing.
2) When variable pressure from the center cone is sensed, for example using one stick to apply pressure while hitting the head, the software does pitch bending of that device. A nice to have for realism.

A) Here's the question for Rob: Is it possible for an eDRUMin to receive FSR signals, for example connected to a PED input which is already enabled for hi hat CC control, and implementing those signals as CC data that the Soundworks software could use as described above? We would just need to know which CC data type Soundworks utilizes for these features? It seems to me the PED editor is already set up for this utilization. We would just need to enter the CC type in the PED editor field. Correct?

B) Here's a question for us DIY & eDRUMin users: If Rob could do that, would you be inclined to adding an FSR beneath the center of your snare to utilize these pressure data? Do any among us know what particular parts would be needed? It seems a simple foam tower and an FSR wired to a TS jack is all we'd need. What about the sensitivity of the FSR? I see one on Amazon that's rated for 0-10kg, but I wonder how well this would work in this application? Thoughts on what FSR type we would need to install under the center cone?

Any thoughts and feedback appreciated. If based on feedback here the project seems to be viable, I'm willing to kick off a project and convert my DIY snare by adding an FSR to a center cone and. For starters, I suppose all that's really needed is to take my Roland FD-9 (which has an FSR) plug it into an eDRUMin PED input, assign the proper CC type and see if I can get Soundworks to properly interpret those CC data coming and arrive at the above 1) and 2) functions.

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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by Rob »

MisterE wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:00 pm
A) Here's the question for Rob: Is it possible for an eDRUMin to receive FSR signals, for example connected to a PED input which is already enabled for hi hat CC control, and implementing those signals as CC data that the Soundworks software could use as described above? We would just need to know which CC data type Soundworks utilizes for these features? It seems to me the PED editor is already set up for this utilization. We would just need to enter the CC type in the PED editor field. Correct?
Yes, the pedal input can handle FSRs just fine, but the firmware doesn't support pads using that FSR data. Certainly it's possible, but I obviously don't have any FSR pads to test / develop with, nor are there any commercially available pads that I am aware of.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by MisterE »

Rob wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:37 am
MisterE wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:00 pm
A) Here's the question for Rob: Is it possible for an eDRUMin to receive FSR signals, for example connected to a PED input which is already enabled for hi hat CC control, and implementing those signals as CC data that the Soundworks software could use as described above? We would just need to know which CC data type Soundworks utilizes for these features? It seems to me the PED editor is already set up for this utilization. We would just need to enter the CC type in the PED editor field. Correct?
Yes, the pedal input can handle FSRs just fine, but the firmware doesn't support pads using that FSR data. Certainly it's possible, but I obviously don't have any FSR pads to test / develop with, nor are there any commercially available pads that I am aware of.
Hi Rob,

Tanks for your quick reply. I understand that with the eDRUMin, the FSR signal would need to be connected PED input, not anywhere into a pad input. The DWe pads are entirely wireless, so their CC data is flying from the electronics inside the pad to their wireless hub where it is relayed to the computer (and their Soundworks VST). There isn't a hard connection of a DWe pad to their hub. I downloaded the DWe Soundworks VST and have an FD-9 so I'll give it a shot. If I get pitch bend from the Soundworks toms using the eDRUMin and my FD9 into its PED input, then all I need to do is install an FSR in my snare pad, plug those leads into the PED of the eDRUMin, and it should work. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by knuckledown »

@MisterE, I'd love to hear how this worked out for you and would love to get some details about the cone and FSR you used. Also, what software and how you've mapped the pitch bend / CC. I was trying to get this worked out with my Boppad and Ableton's Simpler yesterday and ended up very frustrated. I have an eDrumin 8 so I can test the proof of concept but if this works out, I think I'll have to add a MIDI Expression iO to cover all my needs. I'm playing a percussion setup with several components that are really hamstrung without a pitch or pressure output - bodhràn, pandiero, surdo, Berndalen-style tambourine. I have an FSR on hand that I may be able to fit into the tuning compression ring on my bodhràn that wouldn't require a cone, I may give that a try first.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by MisterE »

knuckledown wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:53 pm
@MisterE, I'd love to hear how this worked out for you and would love to get some details about the cone and FSR you used. Also, what software and how you've mapped the pitch bend / CC. I was trying to get this worked out with my Boppad and Ableton's Simpler yesterday and ended up very frustrated. I have an eDrumin 8 so I can test the proof of concept but if this works out, I think I'll have to add a MIDI Expression iO to cover all my needs. I'm playing a percussion setup with several components that are really hamstrung without a pitch or pressure output - bodhràn, pandiero, surdo, Berndalen-style tambourine. I have an FSR on hand that I may be able to fit into the tuning compression ring on my bodhràn that wouldn't require a cone, I may give that a try first.
Thanks for checking in. Unfortunately (well not quite) my creative energy has been focused on other projects. I hope to have one to share with the group before long. That said, this is a quick one to test. Given your interest I’ll try to get to it perhaps next week.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by Luke_eDW »

The DWe (and Soundworks) uses aftertouch for pitch bend, not CC data. So I don't think you'll replicate it with an FD-9 pedal.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by MisterE »

Luke_eDW wrote:
Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:10 pm
The DWe (and Soundworks) uses aftertouch for pitch bend, not CC data. So I don't think you'll replicate it with an FD-9 pedal.
Thanks, Luke! Those other projects I mentioned have taken priority in any case.
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Re: Support for DWe cross-stick and pitch bend?

Post by Rob »

For future reference, do you know what the aftertouch data looks like (I assume it's polyphonic)? What are the range of values?
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