ED10 sometimes seems to only send 1 note at a time?!

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ED10 sometimes seems to only send 1 note at a time?!

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I've been using the ED10 for a couple of years now, and I've been noticing note drop-out.

Seems some drums do it more than others (namely my snare always plays) and only when played simultaneously as either a tom or kick there's a chance I just lose the tom or kick note.

For example I've been working on a beat that I'm playing 1/4s on a tom, off-beat 8s on the hat, and then the 1 on the snare as well and maybe around 2 out of 3 downbeats where the snare is playing, the tom won't trigger. If I whack it as hard as I can it tends to reliably pick the note up, but I'm not playing like that.

I feel like the issue is getting worse - although that may actually just be me getting better at drumming (ie, when I play 2 drums at once I'm getting better at making them exactly at once).

I've played around with a bunch of settings in the ED10 control (but as theres not obvious 'make them work properly' setting its all trial and error as I've been tweaking other things) but to no effect.

Almost feels like theres a degree of side-chaining going on or something.

Has anyone else had an issue like this? Whats the fix? Is it symptomatic of me having set up my kit wrong in the control program? Does it suggest faulty ED10?

I'm going to assume it's not the pads, seeing as in the example above, I' can record myself playing it for say 15 minutes, and the only toms that are missing are on the downbeat with the snare, whereas if the pad was just faulty, you'd think it would be fairly random when the drop out happened.

Hope to hear back from you all, Thanks!

Edit, not just the toms, I was playing snare and kick at once as well and the more accurately I played them together, the more often the kick wouldn't play, same with crash. However, it only seems to be the snare that dominates.
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Re: ED10 sometimes seems to only send 1 note at a time?!

Post by Rob »

Have you tried adjusting the crosstalk cancellation controls? Turn it down on the pads that are missing notes. You might also ask yourself if you snare is too hot. If the gain is set too high, the eDRUMin will think you are hitting it extremely hard apply more crosstalk cancellation to other pads.

Crosstalk Cancellation
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