TD-17 vs EDRUMin 10

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Re: TD-17 vs EDRUMin 10

Post by dsteinschneider »

perceval wrote:
Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:39 am
The downside is you lose a little simplicity.

Turning on a module, and start playing is simpler than using a computer and VST libraries.

But you gain in better sounds and control over your triggering.
I dedicate a 2012 Lenovo hand me down laptop upgraded to 2TB of SSD storage and 16GB. My Logitech keyboard sitting on top has a key that puts the computer to sleep. When I'm done playing I just tap that key. When I tap the keyboard again it wakes up and everything (eDRUMin 10, UMC204HD, Cantabile VST Host and Superior Drummer) works immediately. Just like turning on a module. If I reboot Autologin logs PC in and Cantabile auto-launches. On a normal boot takes about 35 seconds until SDX loads (4-8 more seconds depending on size of kit).
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