Connecting to iConnect

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Connecting to iConnect

Post by Stevee00 »

I have the Quattro. Everything works in a simple test setup. But when I tried to connect it to my real setup and iConnect Audio 4+ it doesn't come through. (iConnect > AUM on an iPad Air 3).

I see you say in the manual:

"...3rd party MIDI devices such as an iConnect interface, a 'pared-down' version of the firmware can can be used as described here."

The "here" link is dead. I found mention of iConnect on p27. It's talking about the MIDI version, not the Quattro.

What do I need to do to get the Quattro to talk to the iConnectAudio4+ ?


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Re: Connecting to iConnect

Post by Rob »

The manual you are looking in is out of date. I must have forgotten to update it. Tell me how you are accessing the manual so I can fix it. As for support with iConnectivity, it comes down to a bug in their firmware that they either don't care to or don't know how to fix.

The work around it to disable the MIDI Expression keyboard interface. If you go into the Firmware Update section of the control application and adjust the class compliance section to "MIDI + Control Interface" it should work fine.
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Re: Connecting to iConnect (SOLVED)

Post by Stevee00 »


That did the trick.

I'm excited. Your MIDI Expression solves lots of problems and fulfills pedal dreams I've had for years. I need to add a second sustain pedal, and the good ones are the old 1/4 style which don't interface with iPads very well. And I especially like the fine control you give to expression pedal curves. I do lots of live looping, and controlling that sweet spot where volume of the repeat has to be just slightly lower than the original signal is hard to find with a linear pedal; same for the level of feedback/decay--on both ends of the range. And the dynamic controls you've added open up new possibilities for control that I'll have to explore. My music is mostly live-performance improvisation so I depend on pedals to make real-time adjustments. Thank you for this unique pedal service.

I love the power and flexibility of my iConnect Audio4+, but the user interface of the control software is the worst I've ever seen. It feels like a product designed by smart engineers who love the engineering and design but have no conception what the lowly user has to go through to get it to work. So I'm not surprised that they neglect to fix firmware bugs. "Who cares, it works for me." Your manual is very clear and well illustrated. I went through the whole thing and tried all the features in a couple hours.

BTW, I don't remember where I got the manual. Most likely your website. I had a couple copies going on different devices as I was learning it.

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