Idea : Velocity curve adjustment feature

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Idea : Velocity curve adjustment feature

Post by maxi73 »

Hello Audiofront

Thank you for making the midi expression products. I am excited that it exist so I can play piano with both my hands and don't have to use faders for adjusting layers of sounds. I have an idea though that you might be interested in doing.. or not. Anyway here you go.

Many midi keyboard with hammer action suffer from being very hard to play at the highest velocity. Yes, I know they are supposed to be useful for dynamic piano playing, but in order to make my own hammer keyboard play above 100 (out of 127) then I am sure that I am going to wake up my neighbors even though I use headphones. I have read at forums that this is a problem other uses of hammer action midi keyboards have too. I currently can chose to either add a values of lets say 15to each note that Cubase receives, but that makes it of course impossible to play between 0-15 and 116-127. I would like to have a nice adjustable curve for my velocity levels in the midi expression IO box, like the one you made for adjusting the expression curve for 50k ohm expression pedals. I write the IO version, because I guess its the only way to alter the midi note data, if the midi keyboard is directly connected to midi expression IO using midi cable. Just a suggestion. Btw. I know about changing the velocity curves of my hammer keyboard from the keyboard menu, but even the "lightest" velocity curve is not good enough. I don't want to beat the key in order to play loud. Another benefit is that hammer keys are often noisy, especially TP/100 that are in many professional hammer keyboards. This mechanical noise gets louder the harder you beat the keys, but not that annoying when you play soft passages. IF midi expression IO had this velocity curve adjustment feature, then it would make it possible to reduce the mechanical noise of these hammer midi keyboards too.

Best regards
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Re: Idea : Velocity curve adjustment feature

Post by Rob »

The iO is a pretty new product for me and there are a lot of features I will add. I can't make any promises at this point, but I've definitely been thinking about some 'effects'.

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