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Saving Configurations to File in Standalone Mode

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:29 pm
by Satri
Hi Rob and folks,

I just unpacked and started reading the manual. I'm really impressed with the doc and software so far, they're nice & efficient and that matters a lot to me :-) Here's my first feature request: the capability to save configurations to file in the Standalone mode, not just the Plugin mode.

Here's my use case: I plan to use my new MIDI Expression iO with my iPad. I don't need a computer-based DAW and thus don't have such software that would allow me to run the MIDI Expression iO in Plugin mode. But I do need the capability to save multiple ME iO configurations, which currently requires running in Plugin mode. Would be great if we could have simple save/load configuration capability in the bundled software.

Thanks for considering this request! -- Alex / Satri at

Re: Saving Configurations to File in Standalone Mode

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:33 pm
by Rob
I'm working on bringing the control application to iOS, but it's proving to be a lot of work.