7bit midi?

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7bit midi?

Post by conors »

Hi there

Looking to get a midi expression interface from you.

Just wondering if it will work with 7 bit reso midi data.

What I want to do is to assign my Akai AX73's cut off to the pitch wheel (7 bit reso according to the manual).

Then I want to attenuate the pitch bend via midi through an expression pedal to have control of the filter.

In theory would this work?


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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by conors »

Ok from my own research I have found out that having the pitch bend at 7 bit means there can only be 0-128 steps.

Now my question is with the smoothing and being able to change the slope will this evade the filter from sounding stepped?


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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by Rob »

That's a great question--one that I'm not entirely sure about. Midi Expression should be sending a 14 bit pitch bend, but I can't really be sure how many hosts actually support that level of resolution.

I'll do some tests and get back to you. I can probably give you some sort of recording to listen to. Can you recommend a sound test setup?
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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by conors »

Well any piece of hardware with a 7 bit pitch wheel would work. Older synths with earlier midi send and receive 7 bit midi to the pitch wheel instead of modern 14 bit. I think anyway from what I have been reading. Does the midi expression interface work when controlling a pitch wheel with 7 bit midi? I guess if you have an older synth lying around then this would be the test.
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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by conors »

Just to give you an update I can control the synths pitch wheel and therefore the cut of through my daw logic x by writing it in. So all I need to do is assign the midi expression to pitch bend within logics midi routing and it will work. Would it work like this with the midi expression interface?
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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by Rob »

Honestly, I'm a bit confused as to what you are trying to accomplish. Are you hoping to use MIDI Expression to increase the resolution of your keyboard's pitch bend control? That's not possible.

Using a MIDI Expression, you could, however, have an expression pedal control the pitchbend in Logic. MIDI Expression outputs 14bit pitchbend messages, but you won't really see 14bit resolution between MIDI events. At most, a MIDI Expression input sends out MIDI Events every 4ms, so there's always going to be a 'pitch gap' between MIDI Events. While it's possible for it to run a lot faster, the amount of MIDI Data involved can easily bog down a system designed for low latency audio.

Ultimately the plugin you are trying to control needs to be programmed to smoothly respond to the pitch bend data. Off hand I'm not aware of any plugins might work this way, but I suspect there are some.

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Re: 7bit midi?

Post by conors »

Hi there

Thanks for your response.

I am looking to assign the midi expression to send the pitch bend midi message within my DAW (using the pedal though midi expression as a controller but sending pitch bend messages) I will then go midi out to midi in to my synth. So the pedal will therefore control the cut-off via the pitch bend.

This will work I imagine. But obviously latency is a concern as to whether this will work effectively.


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