on ios ?

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on ios ?

Post by robald »

hi & thanks rob for this great material

does anyone know how to do to make this thing work with an ipad?
i saw the video where an ipad receive midi messages
but can i use it with garage band or another app that receive midi signals on my ios device?
i can't make it work on anything...(garage band, thumbjam, dm1 etc...)
i want to use it as i use it with my macbook to trig a snare or a kick in those ios app
thank you ;)
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Re: on ios ?

Post by Rob »

Hi Robald,

It should work. There are other users using it that way. I'll try to look into it sometime this week.

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Re: on ios ?

Post by robald »

Hi Rob
Did you looked?

In the manual you wrote
"MIDI Expression devices will run on virtually and system that supports USB including Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, and android without the need to install drivers."

That's one of the reason i bought your pedal. And if it works, i surelly buy another one
When i plug my piano or midi guitar, it works with any app on my ipad
Except for your pedal, but it sending midi message no?

Sorry to bother you, but i'm pretty sure that it can work and can't find anything on the net

Thank you
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Re: on ios ?

Post by Rob »

I haven't looked. I don't actually have an iPad on hand, so I have to borrow one. Can you tell what generation of iPad you have and which camera connection kit you are using? Are you connecting through a hub?

Also, have you tried testing with that app I used in the video, MIDI Wrench? It is a free application and it worked with the MIDI Expression 'right out of the App Store'. If you can give it a try, that'll be a good starting point to figure out why you are having issues.

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Re: on ios ?

Post by Rob »

Alright, I tested it out in iOS 9.3.2 and it's all perfectly plug and play--not a single issue. I have a video which I'll upload if you want it. Again, what kind of iPad are you using? Are you using a genuine camera connection kit?
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Re: on ios ?

Post by robald »

Thank you
I'll try it next week and let you know
I'm using this cable for connect the device:
http://www.apple.com/fr/shop/product/MJ ... b?fnode=8b

I have an ipad air and iphone 5s
Yes post the video when you want please

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Re: on ios ?

Post by Grobles87 »

Rob and Robald,

I have been having exactly the same problem with my ipad of not getting my FC-7 expression pedal to work. I received the MIDI Expression last Saturday and the first thing I tried was connecting it to my ipad mini 2. The order I connected was as follows: Lightning Camera Connection Kit (the same connector robald posted above) to my ipad, USB cable from the CCK to a powered USB hub. From the usb hub I also have connected my midi keyboard and in another usb port I connected the MIDI Expression. Then I connected my Yamaha FC-7 pedal to the MIDI Expression.

I was expecting this to be plug and play but I fired up the Galileo organ app, configured the CC for master volume to 7, but nothing happened. I tried other configurations (swell, organ volume, etc) but nothing worked. When I went to the inputs menu inside Galileo the ipad did recognize the MIDI Expression (It said MIDI Expression Black). So I have no idea why it is not responding.

I also tried Korg Module and since the MIDI Expression is set to send CC#7 by default (which is volume control I assume) I thought the master volume would be changed. But just the same as with Galileo organ, it didn't work. What surprises me is that the MIDI Expression is recognized by the ipad, but once you try to get the pedal to work nothing happens. If you need a video I can try and make a phone recording explaining the problem to Rob. I have not tried connecting it to my pc but it probably will work with VB3 organ and with half pedalling on Kontakt.

Rob, is it possible for you to test the MIDI Expression with Galileo organ or with another music app used for live play? I guess most of us purchasing the MIDI Expression for ios use it as a tool to control volume in apps. It would be great if you could check with an app that some of us use. If you need any help I am glad to test out anything you may need.
Last edited by Grobles87 on Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: on ios ?

Post by Rob »

Can you try without the hub for a second and see if that makes a difference?
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Re: on ios ?

Post by Grobles87 »

I will once I get off from work today. I should be home by 5:30pm EST so I'll write if it works or not later tonight. I should have tried without the hub first thing when I tested lol.
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Re: on ios ?

Post by Rob »

I'll also test tomorrow.

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