2 questions:

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2 questions:

Post by yoabro »

Hey, first time posting.

Is it possible to connect two foot switches (Boss 5U's) to one port? If so, do they send separate cc's? Also, when using note mode can I long press the pedal to send continuous msgs as long as the pedal is momentary? I'm trying to trigger pads/synths in Ableton using midi notes and long press for sustained notes.

Looking forward to your answers,

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Re: 2 questions:

Post by Rob »

yoabro wrote:Is it possible to connect two foot switches (Boss 5U's) to one port? If so, do they send separate cc's?
Yes, you can. Check the FAW about connecting two mono footswitches. And yes, they can be configured independently of each other.
yoabro wrote:Also, when using note mode can I long press the pedal to send continuous msgs as long as the pedal is momentary?
I'm not totally clear what your question is here. When using a footswitch in 'note mode' (asumming the pedal is momentary), the pedal functions in the same way as a key on a keyboard. When you press the pedal down, the NoteOn message is sent, and when you release the pedal, the noteOff message is sent. I hope that clears things up.

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