C -2 not sending Off Note
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:19 pm
I have situation where the C-2 is not sending an Off Note...
All other notes above C-2 will send off note
All other channels C-2 will NOT send note off
Situation is the same whether on DAW/VST or Stand Alone
Very strange... only appears to be issue with C-2
I have double checked, via Midi-OX and Wireshark USB Cap, neither are seeing C-2 OFF note
I ensure there's no transformation turned on...
I have factory reset...
I downloaded Version and installed, but when opening ME Panel, it still Shows firmare, and does not prompt to update...
Any suggestions why C-2 Off note isnt working?
All other notes above C-2 will send off note
All other channels C-2 will NOT send note off
Situation is the same whether on DAW/VST or Stand Alone
Very strange... only appears to be issue with C-2
I have double checked, via Midi-OX and Wireshark USB Cap, neither are seeing C-2 OFF note
I ensure there's no transformation turned on...
I have factory reset...
I downloaded Version and installed, but when opening ME Panel, it still Shows firmare, and does not prompt to update...
Any suggestions why C-2 Off note isnt working?