Can MIDIExpression do this?

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Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by jeffw_00 »

So I'm a switch pedal klutz. I want to use my Boss FS-5U to advance to the next multi on my Kurzweil SP-6 keyboard, but I'm forever accidentally double-pressing it. To me it seems too sensitive. I thought I was doomed, but I recently got a PageFlip Butterfly pedal to advance pages on my tablet and I don't know what they did in the design, but I -never- double-press it and that gives me hope. (Maybe after a press they ignore other presses for a second or so?).
Anyway - can I program the MIDIExpression as a switch pedal with some smarts? Like maybe
a) after a press, ignore presses for the next few seconds.
b) require a really HARD press to close the switch?

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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by Rob »

You could use the dual CC feature and only use the long press CC.

I'll think about your feature request. Thanks.
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by jeffw_00 »

Thanks Rob - But I don't know enough about your product to parse your response. Can you point me to where I can read up and understand what you mean? Using only a long-press would work great for me. If I understand how this can work I will order your product.

Although - by definition, a long-press means there would be some delay (the product would have to wait until it decided my press was "long") - is this seconds? Hundreds of milliseconds? Thanks!
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by Rob »

I suspect the built-in switch debouncing will allow you pedal to work without sending double events. If you did want to go the long press route, you'd have to hold the button down for 300ms.
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by jeffw_00 »

Thanks Rob - and I looked at the manual, and i have one perfectly stupid question. I don't use a computer in my performance setup. I think I can put your product (not sure which one) -between- my Boss pedal and the MIDI input to my keyboard. Is that the paradigm? For which product? Can I use standard MIDI or does it have to be USB?

If I understand this correctly then I need to check that my keyboard will do the Multi-change from a MIDI message (I assume I can program any CC #) and then if so I will be all set.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by Rob »

For standalone operation, the MIDI Expression iO is your only option. You can plug its USB cable into the 'Storage' USB connection on your SP-6 for power, and then run a MIDI cable from the iO MIDI Out to the SP-6 MIDI In.
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by jeffw_00 »

Actually - that "storage" port is only active when it's talking to a drive, but I can use a separate USB supply. I'll have to save up a bit to afford the IO but it sounds like it will solve my issue. Thanks!
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by JohnGreenCloG »

I'm sure these wires will be removed from sales soon, everything goes to Bluetooth.
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Re: Can MIDIExpression do this?

Post by Rob »

If you want robust and reliable performance, I think USB is still the way to go.
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