MIDI Expression to control: Dynamics, Vibrato and Expression (Midi CC)

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MIDI Expression to control: Dynamics, Vibrato and Expression (Midi CC)

Post by DLMuzak »

Hi Rob,
I've just discovered your MIDI Expression product while searching for a plug n play solution for MIDI pedals. Most people are using sliders to control dynamics and expression and other articulations for VST orchestral string plugins like Spitfire Audio / Native Instruments.

For clarification purposes, I already own one M-Audio XP (expression pedal).
With a MIDI Expression Quattro unit:
1) I can attach a second or third expression pedal and assign them to control MIDI CC "vibrato" and "dynamics?"

2) Can I assign MIDI CC "dynamics" and "expression" to be controlled by one pedal?

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Re: MIDI Expression to control: Dynamics, Vibrato and Expression (Midi CC)

Post by Rob »

1. Yes, each pedal can be assigned a different CC so you can easily control 4 different parameters in your VST.

2. Using the built in MIDI transformer, you can use the 'Duplicate' function and have one pedal send out up to four different CC's (the original CC and up to three duplicates). Keep in mind, however, that although these messages will have different CC's, they will have the same value.

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Re: MIDI Expression to control: Dynamics, Vibrato and Expression (Midi CC)

Post by DLMuzak »

Thank You, Rob, for an amazing product!!! The Quattro was received and I'm up and running! Great GUI design with the ability to adjust size resolution!!! :D
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