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Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:00 am
by Rob
In version 1.1, setting up DSP Trigger in Sonar is a lot simpler.

Setup DSP Trigger on an audio track
  1. Add an audio track to your project.
  2. Right click in the "FX Pane" and under "Soft Synths" -> "vstplugins" select "DSP Trigger".
  3. Click the "Echo Input" button to turn it on.
Enable MIDI output from DSP Trigger
  1. Go to Browser -> Synth Rack, and make sure that when right-clicking on DSP Trigger, "Enable MIDI output" is checked (you can only change this when the sequencer is not playing).
Route MIDI to your VSTi Drum Sampler
  1. Add a MIDI track.
  2. Set the input for the track to DSP Trigger
  3. Set the output of the track to your drum sampler

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:59 pm
by Locutus
Hi. I am trying to get this going in Sonar X1. DSP Trigger only shows up as an audio effect, not as a soft synth. It has no problem reading the hits on a Roland PD 80, but there is no way to send an audio effect to a midi channel.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:24 am
by Rob
I just tested over here and the above instructions worked fine--although I should do some more tests. Are you using 32bit or 64bit version of Sonar?

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:33 am
by Locutus
Sonar X1c 64 bit Win7 Pro 64 Bit.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:10 am
by Locutus
Just to make sure I'm not losing my mind, I started a new blank project. I added an audio track. DSP trigger is definately showing up as an audio vst and not a soft synth. It doesn't show up in the synth rack.

One other odd thing is that while it shows up as an effect in the channel's audio effects bin. In the synth rack under audio effects, it doesn't show up.

I hope this is helpful.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:18 am
by Rob
The DSP Trigger installer has to write to the registry telling Sonar that the plugin should be used as a synth.

The code I wrote to do that wasn't tested on the x64 version of Sonar. I suspect I'll have to make some slight adjustments to the code. I'm looking into it and I'll report back when I've got a fix.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:17 pm
by Rob
I've fixed the issue and updated DSP Trigger to version Reinstalling this update should take care of your problem--you'll also need to restart Sonar if it's open when you install. Let me know if you have any more issues.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:40 am
by Locutus
Thank you for this update. It now shows up as a soft synth.

Re: Setting up DSP Trigger 1.1 in Sonar.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:24 am
by Rob
Great. Thank-you for letting me know there was a problem.