DSP trigger on Mac
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
Thanks for posting the video. What version of the AU did you test? If I recall the one I had sent you is pretty dated. On my hackintosh, the AU version performs perfectly for realtime playing, but the recorded MIDI is not in time. Did you happen to try and record the MIDI?
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I just watched your video again. I noticed that your tom caused you ride to trigger. If you send the MIDI from your module through DSP Trigger instead of sending directly to your sampler, the crosstalk feature will do its thing and those false cymbal hits will be filtered out.
Also, have you played with positional bias knob yet?
Also, have you played with positional bias knob yet?
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I have AU V1.3.0 build 2 and I can't remember having problems while recording. All I do lately is tweak the settings to have a realistic drum feeling

This is how I set up Reaper. There is an extra channel just for crosstalk cancelation. I feed it with the TD3 Midi and send it to SD2. And yes, I made the center area bigger with the bias knob.
Reaper seems to be the perfect DAW for dspTrigger with all its routing possibilities ...

This is how I set up Reaper. There is an extra channel just for crosstalk cancelation. I feed it with the TD3 Midi and send it to SD2. And yes, I made the center area bigger with the bias knob.
Reaper seems to be the perfect DAW for dspTrigger with all its routing possibilities ...
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
You're absolutely right. Reaper and DSP Trigger are very good friends indeed. Are you using DSP Trigger's auto routing feature? You probably are without even knowing it. Using the auto routing feature, all the MIDI is output by a single instance of the plugin, so you only even need to route the MIDI from a single track. Basically whichever instances has the 'master' box checked will out put the MIDI from all instances of the plugin.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I have 2 problems with version
1. When I reopen my Reaper session 3 of my 5 DSPtrigger instances don't output any MIDI notes. I see a signal in DSPtrigger but I hear no sound. Only when I remove the plugin, reopen it and load the preset it works.
2. I send the MIDI signals from DSPtrigger in Reaper via IAC to Studio One. My toms and snare come from Reaper and the rest (cymbals, kick) comes from the TD3. In the MIDI editor in S1 I see legato notes that came from DSPtrigger but the other notes are all short. Is there a problem with the 'note off' messages from DSPtrigger?
I have 2 problems with version
1. When I reopen my Reaper session 3 of my 5 DSPtrigger instances don't output any MIDI notes. I see a signal in DSPtrigger but I hear no sound. Only when I remove the plugin, reopen it and load the preset it works.
2. I send the MIDI signals from DSPtrigger in Reaper via IAC to Studio One. My toms and snare come from Reaper and the rest (cymbals, kick) comes from the TD3. In the MIDI editor in S1 I see legato notes that came from DSPtrigger but the other notes are all short. Is there a problem with the 'note off' messages from DSPtrigger?
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I'm getting very close to completing version 1.5. In the process I remember finding a bug with the 'input' power button setting not being loaded properly. I can't off hand remember what it was exactly, but I'll take a look at the old code this evening and get back to you. You can try turning it on and off to see if that fixes the problem.andiw wrote:1. When I reopen my Reaper session 3 of my 5 DSPtrigger instances don't output any MIDI notes. I see a signal in DSPtrigger but I hear no sound. Only when I remove the plugin, reopen it and load the preset it works.
There could very well be an issue with how the 'note off' messages are produced. I have noticed that my note-off messages are slightly different than my HD-1, however that never caused any issues with legato notes. I'll look into it. Thanks for posting these issues.andiw wrote: 2. I send the MIDI signals from DSPtrigger in Reaper via IAC to Studio One. My toms and snare come from Reaper and the rest (cymbals, kick) comes from the TD3. In the MIDI editor in S1 I see legato notes that came from DSPtrigger but the other notes are all short. Is there a problem with the 'note off' messages from DSPtrigger?
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I looked into the noteOff messages issue. In version 1.4 the noteoff velocity was set to the same velocity as its corresponding note on message. Looking at the MIDI from my HD-1, it looks like Roland is using always using a velocity of 64, so I'll try that for version 1.5.
I won't be updating version 1.4 to fix these issues and I expect to release version 1.5 soon. I could send you a BETA version if you'd like to see if it fixes your problems.
I won't be updating version 1.4 to fix these issues and I expect to release version 1.5 soon. I could send you a BETA version if you'd like to see if it fixes your problems.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
Ja, a beta would be fine!
The trick with switch on off the input power button didn't work. This 'bug' is sometimes with just 1 plugin instance, sometimes with 3.
I think DSPtrigger doesn't send any note off command at all. Look here:

Top most is a cymbal via TD3: note off
Then toms and snare: just note on
This is the editor in Studio One:

It's hard to edit these notes.
The trick with switch on off the input power button didn't work. This 'bug' is sometimes with just 1 plugin instance, sometimes with 3.
I think DSPtrigger doesn't send any note off command at all. Look here:

Top most is a cymbal via TD3: note off
Then toms and snare: just note on
This is the editor in Studio One:

It's hard to edit these notes.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
Confirmed note off issue in OSX. I'll send you an email in the morning.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
any news on the updated version? I didn't get any email ...
any news on the updated version? I didn't get any email ...