As Rockdude suggested, you should check out Reaper. I believe it'll rewire for you. I haven't tried this myself, but I'd suspect it's possible.
Abelton Live should be able to do it. I suspect Plogue Bidule could do it, too.
DSP trigger on Mac
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
Would this speed up up the development of an AU version?
This is what Addictive Drums use to make their VSTi work as AU. Seems to work well ....
This is what Addictive Drums use to make their VSTi work as AU. Seems to work well ....
Last edited by andiw on Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I did a little more research and it appears that rewire will not be able to help you. Cross your fingers and hope that building an AU version isn't as difficult as I think it's going to be.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
Helps a lot. I've managed to get an AU version almost working---still doesn't produce the MIDI but it seems that most of the other functionality is there.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I've got a mostly functional AU version of DSP Trigger working in Live. Does anyone who has Logic want to see if it'll work for them? The AU version creates a Virtual MIDI port and I'm just not sure if logic will see a port that's created why logic is already running.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I have Logic 9 and I'd like to try it tonight (22h UTC+2).
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
a AU version will be Fantastic ¡
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I've developed an AU version, but there seem to be timing issues in Logic and GB. Incidently it works perfectly in Ableton.
Re: DSP trigger on Mac
I was testing the AU version with Logic and it works quite well but I had some trouble calibrating my drums with the plugin.
Now I tried Reaper and have to say it is a very nice program. Everything works flawlessly so far.
dspTrigger stopped working in Studio One 2 (I don't know if it is the plugins 'fault' but S1 2 has a problem with aftertouch anyways ...)
So I'm happy with Reaper and dspTrigger now and everything works fine as you can see:
PS: Just in case someone wants to know: the snare and the toms are going stereo into my soundcard (via Q-Adat) and are triggered by dspTrigger and the sounds come from Superior Roots sticks SDX.
Now I tried Reaper and have to say it is a very nice program. Everything works flawlessly so far.
dspTrigger stopped working in Studio One 2 (I don't know if it is the plugins 'fault' but S1 2 has a problem with aftertouch anyways ...)
So I'm happy with Reaper and dspTrigger now and everything works fine as you can see:
PS: Just in case someone wants to know: the snare and the toms are going stereo into my soundcard (via Q-Adat) and are triggered by dspTrigger and the sounds come from Superior Roots sticks SDX.