Midi data

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Midi data

Post by Prof »

I have been working with the trial version of DSP 1.4 in Sonar 8.5 Producer. Everything seems perfect when I am using my pad. I get a good audio signal coming from my pad and I am able to trigger my drum host very reliably. I have a single zone pad with sidestick and rimshot turned off.

The problem I am having is when I try to record, the MIDI track is very different from what I see and hear while playing. While I am playing I don't see any double notes being triggered but when I listen back with the midi track it is regularly triggering multiple hits. This happens whether I have position sensing turned on or off.

I have tried a few different methods of recording the midi track as well as adjusting volume on the incoming signal to the drum host. I tried recording midi live as well as trying to record it from the DSP audio track. There is no difference. It is consistently triggering multiple notes that were not played when I recorded.

Even watching the input signal on the DSP GUI it does not indicate that multiple hits are being made. Yet when I view the midi track there are multiple midi notes (same note) being recorded.

I'd be interested to know if you have any suggestions on how to trigger midi notes more consistently or if there is something I am missing with the process. I really like the product and would really like to purchase but only if I can get it to record a midi track that matches what is being played.

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Re: Midi data

Post by Rob »

Hi Prof,

Your problem is peculiar. I've never had a problem like that. Can you tell me about the signal flow you're using? You're only using a single instance of DSP Trigger, right? I don't use Sonar myself, but I'll test it out myself and see if i can reproduce the issue. Have you tried the 1.5 beta? There are some changes in version 1.5 with regards to note off messages. Maybe that' the issue.

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Re: Midi data

Post by Prof »

Thank you for the quick reply. My signal flow is:

single zone trigger into >>audio interface into >> audio track. The audio track has DSP added as a "soft synth". Midi is enable in the single instance of DSP. I insert a new midi track. Assigned DSP as the input for the midi track . Assign output to my drum host, SS Drums.

With this configuration I can play and hear the drum host using my trigger pad. DSP GUI shows no double hits and I don't hear any. I have tried two separate ways of recording.

1. Record audio from my trigger pad into the audio track that sends the signal to DSP. Once that audio is recorded I play it back while recording the midi track. This generates a midi track that you can hear SS Drums with. The midi track can be soloed and SS Drums play. The only problem with the midi track is there are multiple hits (same note) for a single hit. If I play using the audio track it is fine with single hits. If I play using the midi track there are multiple hits.

2. Arm the midi track. Record my playing of the trigger pad (sounds great while I am recording). Stop recording and play back the midi track. Again multiple hits.

I can PM you a screen shot of my set up or of the midi piano roll showing the multiple hits if that would help diagnose the problem. Let me first try installing 1.5beta and try it again to see if the problem goes away.

Thanks again! DSP is exactly what I was looking for and I am hoping we can solve this so I can buy it soon.
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Re: Midi data

Post by Rob »

Thanks for your detailed description. Your routing sounds spot on. I'll investigate this evening when I get home in a couple of hours.
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Re: Midi data

Post by Rob »

While I don't have version 8.5 to test with, I used 8.0 and X1 and version 1.4 recorded MIDI as expected in both applications. Go ahead and send me some screen shots. I suspect there's something funny going on in your routing. I don't allow PM on this site, but you can email me at support<at>audiofront<dot>net.

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Re: Midi data

Post by Prof »

I installed 1.5beta and did a little testing with it. I think I may have found the culprit but I didn't have enough time to thoroughly test it out. I realized that on the audio track that records the trigger pad I had several "takes" that were recorded. Although the previous takes had been muted I'm thinking they may be interacting with DSP and causing additional signals (hits) to be processed by DSP. This may be causing the multiple hits to show up in the midi track.

I was able to get a cleaner midi track when I moved those muted takes to a different track so it seems they were influencing DSP in some way. I also noticed that I was not getting a clean signal from my trigger pad and may need to make some adjustments to get a better audio signal for DSP to use.

I will have more time this weekend to play around with my set up and hopefully figure out what I need to do to get a good clean midi track. I think there are plenty of variables that I can tweak that should allow me to get the results I need. If I am still having difficulties I will plan to send you some screen shots.

I appreciate your time to help me figure this out.

Two questions about the license:

1. Does the license allow for having DSP Trigger on two computers or do I need to purchase a license for each one?

2. Are upgrades to newer versions free or do I need to purchase each upgrade?

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Re: Midi data

Post by Rob »

The license allows you to install and use DSP Trigger on up to three machines. There will be no upgrade fees in the foreseeable future--certainly not for version 1. And I still have lots of ideas for version 1 so you can expect make more free upgrades to come.

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