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MIDI out from Mac into eDRUMin > Thru to Mimic

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:45 pm
by Ddrummer68
Summary: Does the eDRUMin 10 pass MIDI received from the computer's USB connection thru to the MIDI Out? The manual pg. 37 seems to say "no" but pg. 40 makes me think it's possible. Either way, it's not working for me, and I'm trying to figure out whether troubleshooting or acceptance is the best path.

Mine seems to be a similar setup to what some others are doing, i.e., use the eDRUMin to improve and expand upon the Pearl Mimic's trigger in's. I have 24 eDRUMin channels feeding the Mimic as my default "plug & play" setup. This is easy, for the typical day where I have only a few minutes to play drums after work. No time to boot up the Mac with SD3, etc. Works very well.

However, I now want to get back in to setting up my drum maps in the VST's. I used the setup described above to record a few minutes of MIDI while playing all the pads from the kit. I now have the MIDI inside the DAW, and - though this isn't strictly the use case - I was hoping to be able to get the Mimic to play back the sounds via MIDI from the Mac, without having to rewire anything. It would be Mac > USB out to the eDRUMin 10 > 5-pin cable from ED10 to Mimic. The DAW says it's sending the MIDI data out the correct port, but the Mimic acts as though nothing is happening. I don't know how to tell what the eDRUMin is doing, so can't be sure if it's actually receiving any MIDI data.

Should it be working? And if so, is there any way to monitor the MIDI coming into the eDRUMin and see what's happening to it?

Re: MIDI out from Mac into eDRUMin > Thru to Mimic

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:34 pm
by Rob
I don't believe this is supported at the moment, although it should be possible to support.

I'll need to think about it to make it won't I introduce any problems. At very least I add an option to turn on that functionality in a future release.

Re: MIDI out from Mac into eDRUMin > Thru to Mimic

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:55 pm
by Rob
I can confirm that this isn't supported. I'll enable it in the next version 1.4 BETA build.

Re: MIDI out from Mac into eDRUMin > Thru to Mimic

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:39 am
by Ddrummer68
Much appreciated!

Re: MIDI out from Mac into eDRUMin > Thru to Mimic

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:15 am
by Rob