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USB questions

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:04 am
by ddropski
so I have 2 ed10s and a Simmons drum pad when when I connect the main ed10 to a hub and the other ed10 and Simmons pad it does not work

Example 1
-PC- / ed10 #1 (Host out) / 2.0 usb hub / Ed10 #2 & simmons pad (both connected to hub)

but if I connect the second ed10 to the host port of the ED10 1 and the Simmons to the host of theed10 2 it works. kind of like a daisy chain, I know this is not how the manual says to set this up so my question is is it ok to run it like this or will it stress the host ports and eventually cause them to burn out .. and would I still be getting cross talk cancellation for all pads doing it this way?

Example 2
-PC- / ed10 #1 (Host out) / ed10 #2 (Host out) / Simmons Pad,

Re: USB questions

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:49 am
by Rob
I've seen occasional issues with some older USB 2.0 hubs plugged into the host port, so I suspect this is related to your particular hub.

The way you have it setup now should be fine, bit I need to think a bit about the crosstalk question, although my intuition says that will be fine too.

Re: USB questions

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:24 pm
by ddropski
ok thank you Rob .. once I feel better I can try it out and I can report back how its working