Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

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Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by CapCrunch »

Yamaha DTX module can't do it and the the very basic midi keyboard controller only has a few settings but I like the size. Is there any way that eDRUMin could have a setting causing the sample to stop playing when the keyboard key is released? If not currently available, is there a chance it could be developed? Thanks.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by Rob »

You want to choke a sample on your DTX? I don't think a note off message can do that.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by CapCrunch »

No, I just have some sampled phrases for example like "Get on up" and when the key of the midi controller keyboard stops being pressed I want the sample to quit playing. So it's like the key is pressed briefly and it's "get" and if it's held down longer "get on up". If you plug this little keyboard into a sampler it does this if you make the correct setting on the sampler. To play the sample while key is being held down I think is gate on, loop off. There doesn't seem to be any way to make this setting on the DTX-Pro so I wondered if maybe there was a way to make a setting in eDRUMin? It's easier to load samples in the DTX but mainly I'd like to avoid dragging around even more stuff like samplers and all the cables. Thanks
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by Rob »

The eDRUMin doesn't produce sound, it just does MIDI. You could use a sustain pedal plugged into the pedal input and have it act like a key on a MIDI keyboard, but then you still need some sort of sampler to play your sound.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by CapCrunch »

Sorry, I guess I'm not being clear. As far as I'm concerned the Yamaha DTX-Pro is at least a sample player. That's all I need. It'll be used with edrums but just seeing if there's also a way to get it to respond to the press of a key like a sampler does. From what I get from Yamaha it's not set up to do that so unless they eventually add that capability I was wondering if either the eDRUMin or the (very minimal) keyboard might? Thanks.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by Rob »

Crystal clear now--thanks. I had a quick look at the DTX-PRO user manual and reference manuals, but I didn't get any answers. If you can get the DTX to choke a user imported sample in the same way it does a cymbal, then there might be something I can do. So try loading a sample on one of your cymbals, and see if you can get the DTX-PRO to cut the sample short when you 'choke' the cymbal. Report back here with the results. If you can, I may have a solution for you in the next major update of eDRUMin.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by CapCrunch »

OK. I'm going to check that out in a couple of days when I'm back at the machine. Thanks.
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Re: Is there a way to program note off messages in eDRUMin?

Post by CapCrunch »

Oops, I just reread that. I'm just having piezos on pads and no e-cymbals. Unless I get hold of one locally I'll have to do some checking around the internet and see if someone else can test this. Thanks.
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